OneDrive vs iCloud

August 20, 2021

OneDrive vs iCloud: Choose Wisely

As the world becomes increasingly digitized, cloud storage has become an indispensable aspect of modern life. Among the most popular cloud storage solutions used by people globally are OneDrive and iCloud. Both storage solutions offer unique features, security, and compatibility features. But which of these two is the better option? Let’s take a pragmatic look at both, using precise figures from research to help you make an informed choice.

Storage Price and Options

While OneDrive offers three different storage tiers, iCloud has only two, making it less flexible. OneDrive has 5GB free storage for all users, while iCloud offers 5GB of free storage for apple users only. Microsoft offers OneDrive's paid version with three different storage options: 100 GB, 1 TB, and 6 TB. The pricing goes as follows:

  • OneDrive 100GB - $1.99/month
  • OneDrive 1TB - $5.99/month
  • OneDrive 6TB - $9.99/month

On the other hand, iCloud provides two different paid tiers; 50GB and 200GB. The pricing goes as follows:

  • iCloud 50GB - $0.99/month
  • iCloud 200GB - $2.99/month

Therefore, if you need more space, OneDrive offers more affordable and flexible tiers.


OneDrive and iCloud are both distinct storage solutions designed to work more efficiently with their native devices. However, OneDrive is significantly more compatible than iCloud. OneDrive is compatible with most versions of Windows, Android, iOS, and macOS. Moreover, the app integrates with a wide range of third-party apps and services, making working with it more comfortable.

In contrast, iCloud is only compatible with Apple devices. Unless you have an iPhone, iPad, or Mac computer, you'll be excluded from using it.


Both cloud storage solutions provide ample security options, with robust encryption protocols and security features. However, OneDrive provides better privacy and security than iCloud. OneDrive provides end-to-end encryption to all data, which means that the decryption of data only happens on the device, ensuring maximum security.

In comparison, iCloud does not offer end-to-end encryption, which makes the data more susceptible to unauthorized access.


After thorough research, it’s clear that OneDrive is the better solution in terms of flexibility, compatibility, and security. However, if you are an Apple user and plan on working solely with Apple devices, iCloud can still be a good option.

We hope that this comparison has helped you decide which cloud storage solution is the best for you.


  1. Microsoft OneDrive pricing:
  2. Apple iCloud pricing:
  3. OneDrive and iCloud comparison article by TechSiting:

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